No namespace
VSP_Framework_Loader | Class VSP_Framework_Loader |
vsp_add_wc_required_notice | Adds WooCommerce Plugin Required Notice if not exists. Also checks for version based on plugin's input. |
vsp_ajax_action | Check if current request has action parameter and returns it |
vsp_current_screen | Returns Either Full Screen Object or just the screen id. |
vsp_date_format | Returns Site's Date Format From Database |
vsp_delete_cache | Deletes Cached Data For Given Key. |
vsp_doing_it_wrong | Wrapper for vsp_doing_it_wrong. |
vsp_force_load | This function is used to force load framework @ anytime. This should be mainly used on Plugin Activation and deactivation. Should not be used anywhere else. |
vsp_force_load_vendors | Loads Its libs. |
vsp_get_cache | Fetch & Returns Cached Data. |
vsp_get_cache_defaults | Set Cache With Defaults. |
vsp_get_file_paths | Returns files in a given path |
vsp_get_logger | Use the vsp_logging_class filter to change the logging class.
You may provide one of the following:
- a class name which will be instantiated as |
vsp_get_time_in_seconds | Returns Cache Time in numeric values |
vsp_is_admin | Checks if current request is admin |
vsp_is_ajax | Checks if current request is ajax Also takes required action key to check if the ajax is exactly the action is passed |
vsp_is_cron | Checks if current request is cron |
vsp_is_error | Checks if given instance is a \VSP_Error Instance. |
vsp_is_frontend | Checks if current request is frontend |
vsp_is_heartbeat | Checks if current request is heartbeat |
vsp_is_json | Checks If Given String is JSON. |
vsp_is_request | Checks What kind of request is it. |
vsp_is_screen | Checks provided Screen ID if its current screen. |
vsp_json_last_error | Checks if last json had any errors. |
vsp_list_files | Generates Nested Array Output of Files inside a folder. |
vsp_list_log_files | Generates An Array of log files inside a given directory. |
vsp_load_core_assets | Custom Function To Load All Core Assets. |
vsp_load_file | Search and loads files based on the search parameter |
vsp_log_msg | Logs Give message to a given handler |
vsp_logger | Returns An Valid Instance Of Logger To Handle Logs From VSP Framework. |
vsp_make_log_list_tree | Creates Nested Array based on file nesting. |
vsp_maybe_load | Adds Passed Plugin path to the list array which later used to compare and load the framework from a plugin which has the latest version of framework |
vsp_placeholder_img | Returns VSP Placeholder Image |
vsp_print_log_files_ui | Generates Log File HTML. |
vsp_register_assets | Registers Basic Framework Styles / Scripts to WP |
vsp_register_plugin | Registers Plugins To VSP Callback. |
vsp_send_callback_error | Sends JSON Callback as failure. |
vsp_send_callback_success | Sends JSON Callback as success. |
vsp_send_json_callback | Send Json Callback array in ajax. used for sweatalert / trigger custom js functions. |
vsp_set_cache | Set Data Cache For Given Cache ID |
vsp_set_time_limit | Wrapper for set_time_limit to see if it is enabled. |
vsp_slashit | Appends a trailing slash. |
vsp_time_format | Returns Site's Time Format From Database |
vsp_unslashit | Removes trailing forward slashes and backslashes if they exist. |
vsp_url | Returns VSP Framework url |
vsp_validate_required_plugin |